Wall of Shemp



"Wall of Shemp is not affiliated with any other Stooge sites or Stooge links posted by Wall of Shemp.

Wall of Shemp receives absolutely, 100% ZERO profit for any Stooge item sold as result of clicking through to a

Stooge site via one of our links.

All material posted by Wall of Shemp is provided solely for the entertainment and education of Shemp fans everywhere.


Most of the information presented at Wall of Shemp has been culled from various sources over the years of just my being a Shemp fan. I've been gathering images and info just for my personal enjoyment before I ever thought to build this site. Consequently, I did not keep track of where everything came from.

My intent with this site is to make a place that is strictly Shemp. My intent is NOT to take credit for someone else's hard work. If you see something presented here that you recognize as work that you created, please let me know immediately, and I will be more than happy to include your proper credit, along with a link to your original source material. Also, please check the department Places of Great Interest, which is my links page to see if a link to your material already exists.

The Three StoogesÔ is a trademark of C3 Entertainment, Inc.  

The Three StoogesÔ characters, names, and all related indicia are trademarks of C3 Entertainment, Inc.

© 1998-2001 C3 Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.





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